Please note that this guide is just for the first game in the Error Ware series, in Error Ware 2 it's much easier. For an EW2 guide click here.
Software GlovePIE + Error Ware script Download
Note: these instructions are for Windows 7, should work similar with XP!
So first of all, you need the following:
Note: To use the Wii Remote Pointer as the mouse cursor, you will need to place a Wii Sensor Bar underneath or at the top of your PC Monitor. You can buy wireless (= using batteries for power) Sensor Bars for a few bucks.
For trying purposes, you can use the original corded Wii Sensor Bar, but then your Wii has to be powered on all the time, and your Remote may connect to the Wii instead of your Computer.
Please don´t worry if you can´t get it to work. Maybe your Bluetooth device just isn't compatible with your Wii Remote, or you need special drivers / software (like Widcomm or BlueSoleil) to make it work. There are many websites about this topic, just waiting to help you.
Our Wii-Remote support is just an optional gimmick, you can have as much fun with the games just using your regular keyboard and mouse!
Feel free to ask for help at
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